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Bye Bye ^ ^
Monday, January 30, 2012 | 4:51 AM | 0 comments

Boring Australia ~ here I come HK ! keke 
Finally get to relax ... ! HOLIDAAAAY! YAYYYYYYYYYY :D Seungho depicts my emotions very clearly <3

However, I'm gonna miss ^ so much ! :( how can i not watch MBLAQ's upcoming winning perfs. sigh...  life. AND HELLO BABY OMMMGG ==" makes me angry!

But to my friends and leftover of my fambams ~ inc. Minty & Percy ! Stay safe and Goodbye bye baby Goodbye ~ ! 


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Aegyo ^ ^ bbooing bbooing
Saturday, January 28, 2012 | 10:17 PM | 0 comments


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Scribble & update
| 8:36 PM | 0 comments
As I think of you, who left, I hold it in and hold it in
But tears keep falling, keep bursting out
The memories you wrote are still in my heart
No matter how hard I try, I can't erase those scribbles

- Seungho's rap part ! SO GOOD ~ hahaha :)  

I've been going out so much ~ haha :) going to Janet's house and even though I told her I would go home early... I stayed till 9pm ! sigh LOL ~ accidentally 8_8 I kind of felt bad ~ But yeah... went home and cooked a meal for dad and watched tv together LOL ! It's funny becos i just realised when we watch tv together, and the funny parts comes out we both look at each other and laugh ! - at the same time :) Lovely family times <3 

I went eastwood to finally collect my BOND :D hehe and saw those dragons / lion dancing thingies !~ so many at eastwood these days haha . I also went to this christian youth gathering called "connect '11" ~ it was really fun ! even though everyone was random, we talked about uni's and started conversations randomly !!! I wish i could attend more of connect but too bad I'm going overseas :D very happy that I met so many people the same age and got to read the bible together.. we studied JOB ! even though I did bible study in the past ~ we never came across JOB ! hahaha maybe becos he had so many chapters ^ ^ but it was really interesting !! After that I joined my friend to celebrate HER friend's birthday at meet fresh ! LOL fun times :) 

Tomorrow is the New years festival in the city celebrating the dragon year with lanterns and dances at night ! ~ my friend invited me to go hehe ! i can't wait yay ! ~ eat sushi at hotaru and watch the performances with asians LOL ..

I also have plans to go out on MONDAY with my fellow koreans :) one last time before I leave to the HK land and become fobby ! Stratty for food nomnomnom. and noggi / moggi ? haha :) YAY then night flight and say goodbye to sydney :D

I should pack tomorrow aye ? :) what should I bring LOL ? winter clothes.. aiyo so much effort :( 


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오 빠 ~ ^ ^
| 1:17 PM | 0 comments
Congratulations to MBLAQ for winning on M!Countdown hehe ~ their first win for 'This is War' ! but I know that their winning strike has just started kuuuu ! :D 
Even though they didn't win on music bank last night ==" against t-ara sigh ! I think they should have won ! but despite that Seungho still leaves a msg on his fan cafe page ! SO HAPPY LOL 

Title : Hello~ It’s Yang Leader^^
Hello~ It’s Yang Leader^^
I’m writing a message in a long time~ he
Finally, MBLAQ won the 1st place by your supports yesterday.. Kyakyakyakyakyak
Thank you so much~~ he
I’m sorry that we left early not having a long time with you at today’s mini fan meeting, because of broadcasting schedule~
We’ll meet next in the real fan meeting.. Hoot
Ah! In addition, because we didn’t take the 1st place today, we aren’t despressed and we don’t feel down and we never feel tough ~
Why!!!!!!!!!! We’ll take all of 1st place next week~ Hoohoot
I think that it has just begun~^^
I’m not sure, but I worry that there are some fans who feel sad~
Recently, there are many people suffering from bad cold~~
Our A+ fans, please be careful not to catch a cold~!!
Fighting!! Thank you and I love you~ he


Isn't he the cutest thing ! omg ~ he even said I love you ~ he ! our leaders aegyo is adorable HAHA and killing all the A+ fans out there ! and he takes such good care of his fans <3 the sweetest thing right there ... kuuuu 
Seungho 오 빠 ~ you're the best ! I LOVE YOU TOO


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Thursday, January 26, 2012 | 12:27 PM | 0 comments
When I was a kid, it was my dream to become a young father. I’m very excited because I can fulfill that dream of having a family. I think it’s a great opportunity to raise some beautiful kids… Besides my mom, everyone else in my family is in an interracial marriage. Because of that, I'm pretty comfortable with a multicultural family. I will teach them well, and help them grow beautifully.
– Seungho at the press conference for MBLAQ’s Hello Baby

Hello oppa, since you're comfortable with a multicultural family... :) guess what ? I'm Chinese ! HEHEHEHEHEHE 


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 | 8:51 PM | 0 comments
HELLO BABY SEASON 5 - MBLAQ with 3 adorable multicultural babies !
So my day was absolutely perfect after finding hello baby season 5 episode 1 subbed online hehehehe ! I loved every minute of it ! HAHA especially since seungho gets so much attention and talks so much in the show :O not only that he displays so much aegyo that it kills me HAHA ~ squeeeeeels ~
I can't find a man that perfect - so hot, cute, handsome, nice, loving, caring, sexy, fatherly, adorable... Also seungho is the appa of an adorable and pretty little multicultural baby called Lauren whos half korean and half canadian ! dayum.. she will turn out to be a princess + celebrity when she grows up , I bet ! HAHA :D jelly... super jelly..

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HEHE! makes me happy.
Sunday, January 22, 2012 | 12:03 AM | 0 comments

ALRRRIIIIGHHHT ! I'm happy now. 

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Mini Dilemma
Saturday, January 21, 2012 | 11:44 PM | 0 comments
Aiyo ! :( Believe me getting the macquarie uni offer letter was the best thing that happened in my life BUT a I got struck with a mini dilemma on what to do in my future - again. HAHA
Is business really my thing ? Do i really want to revolve my world around micro, macro economics and doing the same thing everyday ? Do I even like business ? lol ! I've been asking a few of my close friends what they thought about me doing 'nursing' haha ~ maybe you can't imagine me as those type HAHA, damn i can't even imagine myself helping people !
BUT, i guess its a meaningful job haha helping people and saving people ~ and moreover HIGH DEMAND JOB ! hence I'll get employed straight away LOL ... but its tough, rough labour - a job that screws up your sleeping patterns and social life!
I asked my mum about what she thought since she's a nurse... but so unhelpful... "Do business.. i think its safer for you" LOL :( so right now I am leaning towards business but ... for some reason a little bitty part of me is reaching towards nursing ! kuuuuu ~

What should I do ? :( so sad.. haha ! I need advising :P When does school start ? I need to see my teacher and ask for some advice =o=

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 | 10:11 PM | 0 comments
Hello Macquarie University ! :D 

I GOT INTO UNI ! HAHA ~ and more over I got into the course I wanted :) 
So Bachelor of Business Administration / Bachelor of Arts - hopefully we will have an awesome and exciting 4 year baby :D 

My seungho gif. is exactly what i am doing right now ! HEHE 


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